Saturday, October 22, 2011

it is a few days since our travel day on Thursday. i think this picture deserves its own blog day though. we were traveling from Niagara falls to Maryland. it was a long day made longer with the many stops along the way. in my defense, it was not fair to think a sleepy child with an open mouth would go unnoticed. it took Elijah and me several tries, but we were happy with this awesome catch. poor Jae stayed asleep the whole time. we didn't get the pipe cleaner mustache that came after on camera. now you'd think Jae would have seen the humor in this, but it has continued to escape her. which is funny since she thought it was hilarious when people thought Elijah was a small child who needed to order from the kiddie menu. another moment for the therapist.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAA!! oh my gosh thats too funny! (Sorry Jae but it IS!!)
